Prescription Drug Plans 65+

Choosing a Medicare Part D plan is a very personal decision. There are many plans to choose from.
There are many other prescription drug plans available to you. A Doyle Rowe LTD specialist can assist our Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plan clients in determining which plan best fits their needs.
IMRF Group Prescription Drug Plan
The group plans below are available to IMRF retirees and spouses:
Humana Group Prescription Drug Plan
The Humana Group Prescription Drug Plan is available to IMRF retirees nationwide, age 65 and over.
Summary of Benefits
The Plan meets criteria for Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. Benefits include:
- Generic $4.00
- Preferred Brand $25
- Non-Preferred Brand $54
- Specialty 33% co-insurance
2025 Monthly Premium Rate….$146.70
The benefits presented above are highlights of the available plan. The Evidence of Coverage will provide more detailed information.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Prescription Drug Plan
2025 monthly premium: $229.30
Download Plan Details
Sav-Rx Plan & Enrollment Form
IMRF retirees, spouses and dependent children under age 23 nationwide are eligible to enroll in the Sav-RX Plan.
Plan Highlights:
- Discounts on Prescription Medications – Sav-RX is not a co-pay prescription drug program. The plan entitles you and your eligible family members to discounts on most prescription medications at more than 50,000 pharmacies, including Osco, Walgreens, Rite-Aid and most chain stores.
- Easy to Use – present the Sav-Rx card to your pharmacist when filling prescription. Discounts average 15% to 40% depending upon medication.
- Low Cost to Enroll – Cost of Sav-RX Advantage Card is $1.50 per household per month ($18.00 per year)
Sav-RX Plan and Medicare Part D: The Sav-Rx card is not a Medicare Part D plan and cannot be used at the same time you receive discounts from a Medicare Part D plan. However, you may use it during any gap in coverage period when you are responsible for 100% of drug costs.